Nelson Melo
SW 132th Pl Unit. 2, Miami, Florida 33186
Phone: 305 331 2309
NELSON MELO - Curriculum Vitae (Abstract - Apr. 2024)
Name: Nelson
Address: 11424 SW 132th Pl
Unit. 2, Miami, Florida 33186, USA.
Mobil: (305) 331-2309
Current Position: Director – ALTAMETRY, Senior Researcher.
Citizenship: United States, Cuba.
Languages: Spanish
(Native Language), English (speak, translate, read, and write), and Russian
(speak, read, and write).
Project Manager, Physical Oceanography
and Marine Remote Sensing, Science and Computer Instrumentation, Nuclear
Physics, Solid State.
Bachelor of Physics. Specialization: a) Nuclear Physics. b)
Electronic and Solid-State Physics.
Obtained at the Physics Faculty,
University of Havana, Cuba (1972 - 1978).
Master of Nuclear Physical
Sciences. Thesis Title: “Mossbauer
Effect in Cuban Magnetite”.
Obtained at the Physics Faculty,
University of Havana, Cuba (1978)
D. Degree:
Thesis Title: “Characterization of
oceanographic parameters and phenomena around the island of Cuba from thermal
and color space images of the sea.” University of South Florida (USF), USA. (In
General Oceanography
Post-graduate university courses in
general oceanography (16 months) received in Cuba, Russia and Bulgaria
(Hydrography Cuban Institute, Cuba; Institute of Oceanography (Shirchov) Moscow; Russia. Institute of Oceanography, Sofia,
Remote Sensing
Post graduate courses in Remote
Sensing (18 months) received in Russia, Germany, Venezuela, Chile and USA
(Institute of Oceanography (Shirchov) Moscow, Russia;
Institute for Cosmic Research, Berlin, Germany; Institute of Oceanography,
Rootstock, Germany; Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela; University
of Chile, Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI), Santiago,
Chile; University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, Fl, USA.)
Remote Sensing, Science and Computer Instrumentation
Post graduate courses in Remote
Sensing, Remote Pilot, science and computer instrumentation (22 months)
received in USA, Cuba, Russia, Germany (Mathematics Faculty, Havana University,
Cuba; Institute of Oceanography (Shirchov) Moscow,
Russia; Institute for Cosmic Research, Berlin, Germany; University of South
Florida, St. Petersburg, Fl., FAA Miami Fl. USA.)
Specialties: Project Manager, Physical
Oceanography and Remote Sensing (satellite remote sensors and aero-space
digital images processing). Scientific
Diver (100 Ft, Nitrox certified); Boating skills and seamanship certified. FAA Remote
INC. (20114 – Present.)
International University - ALTA Systems, Miami, USA (2014 -2017);
Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies (CIMAS), Rosenstiel School of
Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS); University of Miami. Miami, USA
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Atlantic Oceanographic and
Meteorological Laboratory (AOML), Miami, USA (2001-2013).
Responsibilities: Director of Marine Research, South Florida Oceanographic Research Projects. Windward Passage
Circulation and Transport Study. Fisheries Oceanography of the Caribbean Sea.
Senior Research Associate, Chief
Scientist in 132 oceanographic cruises (UM).
Institutions (Cuba):
Instituto de
Oceanología (IDO), Instituto Hidrografico
(ICH), Instituto de Geodesia y Cartografia (ICGC),
Agencia de Medio Ambiente. Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente
(CITMA) Havana, Cuba (1978-1999).
Responsibilities: Director
of the Division of Research and Environment; Head of the Research Group in
Marine Remote Sensing; Principal Investigator of the International Project with
the European Space Agency (ESA): “Integrated study of coastal environment in
Cuba using satellite SAR - ERS imagery (AO3–126)”. Chief Scientist of the Marine Remote Sensing Group at the
Instituto Cubano de Hidrografía (ICH) and at Centro
de Investigaciones de Geodesia
Cartografía y Teledetección
(CIGCT). (86 - 95).
Sensing, Science and Computer Instrumentation: Blimp borne remote sensing systems (Altimetry) design, develop and
operation. Installation and operation of science, radio- location and
computer instrumentation (computer and network installation, cabling, hardware
and software maintenance, setup, and operation). Altametry, University of
Miami, AM Computers Corp.
Project Leader, chief scientist,
cruise leader, principal investigator (PI) or participant in Remote
Sensing projects (Cuba, USA, Germany, Rusia); 162 USA, Cuban, or international
remote sensing and oceanographic research projects and cruises (Caribbean Sea,
Gulf of Mexico, Black Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Cuban bays, Florida Bay, etc.) (1978
Scientist and participation in Remote Sensing and oceanographic research
projects in USA, Mexico, Colombia, El Salvador, the Gulf of Mexico, the
Caribbean Sea, Florida Bay and adjacent coastal waters. Altametry INC. Rosenstiel
School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) University of Miami, USA and Atlantic Oceanographic
and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML), National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA USA), (2001 - present)
projects participation includes but not limited to:
• Blimp borne remote sensing
instruments (design, develop and operation).
• International Remote Sensing
(aerial and satellite) instrumentation and research.
• South Florida Regional Observing
• High Resolution Assessment of
Carbon Dynamics in Seagrass and Coral Reef Biomes
• Coral Reef Ecosystem Research
• Creation and management of newly
designed Shallow Water Drifters
Project: Exploring New WEB-Based Techniques for Analysis and Visualization of Environmental
• South Florida Ecosystem Restoration
and Modeling Program (SFERPM)
• Real Time Oceanographic
Observations in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS)
• Florida Bay Inner Basins
Circulation Study
• Interdisciplinary Coastal
Oceanographic Observations
• Meso-American System Transport
& Ecology Research
investigator of the European Space Agency (ESA) International Project:
“Integrated study of coastal environment in Cuba using satellite SAR - ERS
imagery (AO3–126).” (Instituto de Oceanología de
Cuba). (1999).
and Chief Scientist of the project GEF/PNUD CUB/92/G-31 “Protección
de la Biodiversidad y Desarrollo Sostenible
del Archipiélago Sabana-Camagüey”, “Thermal and
superficial pigments characterization in shelf and oceanic areas of the
Archipelago Savanna-Camagüey, Cuba (GEOCUBA Investigación
y Consultoría). (1995).
and co-author of the integral geographical studies and series of thematic maps
of the Archipelagos (3): Sabana - Camagüey, Canarreos
& Jardines de la Reina. Cartography characterization of coastal and shelf
areas using Remote Sensing methods. (National prize of science and technique),
(CIGCT). (90 - 93).
Scientist for the book “Diving guide of Santa Lucía, Camagüey, Cuba”
(geographical and oceanographically characterization of 38 diving points),
(CIGCT). (1992).
Universidad de la Habana, Cuba. Taught
6 courses to university and superior technical level student:
“Electromagnetism”; “General Oceanography”; “Remote Sensing”; “Remote Sensing
of the Natural Resources”; “Marine Remote Sensing”; “Computer Instrumentation”. Advisor
for four Degree Theses.
VII. REFEREED Publications
Melo, N., G. Paili, P. Lugari, E. Martinez, A.
Nardini, et al. Verde, Eventos Ambientales 2011-2015. (2018). “Metodos de Caracterizacion de Ecosistemas Costeros”. Fundación
Universitaria Dominicana Pedro Henriquez Urena. ISBN 978-9945-597-44-8
D. Turk, K. K. Yates, M. Vega-Rodriguez, G.
Toro-Farmer, C. L’Esperance, N. Melo,
D. Ramsewak, M. Dowd, S. Cerdeira Estrada, F. E. Muller-Karger, S. R. Herwitz,
W. R. McGillis (2015). Community metabolism in shallow coral reef and
seagrass ecosystems, lower Florida Keys. MARINE ECOLOGY
PROGRESS SERIES. Vol. 538: 35–52, 2015 doi:
E. M. Johns, B.
A. Muhling, R.C.Perez,
F.E.Mueller-Karger, N. Melo, R. H. Smith, J. T. Lamkin, T. L. Gerald and E. Malca
(2014). Amazon River
water in the northeastern Caribbean Sea and its effect on larval reef fish
assemblages during April 2009. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Fish.
Oceanography, 11 NOV 2014 | DOI: 10.1111/fog.12082.
Zhao, J., B.
Barnes, N. Melo, D. English, B.
Lapointe, F. Muller-Karger, B. Schaeffer, and C. Hu (2013). Assessment of
satellite-derived diffuse attenuation coefficients and euphotic depths in south
Florida coastal waters. Remote Sensing of Environment 131, 38–50.
Zhao, J., C. Hu,
B. Lapointe, N. Melo, E. M. Johns,
and R. Smith (2013), Satellite-Observed
Black Water Events off Southwest Florida: Implications for Coral Reef Health in
the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Remote Sensing
5, 415-431; doi:10.3390/rs5010415.
Manzello, D. P., I. C. Enochs, N. Melo, D. K. Gledhill, and E. M.
Johns (2012). Ocean
Acidification Refugia of the Florida Reef Tract. PLoS ONE 7(7):
e41715. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041715.
Melo, N., and T. N. Lee.
(2012). Water circulation and renewal in Florida Bay is influenced by flow from
the southwest shelf and tidal passes. In: SOUTH FLORIDA MARINE ENVIRONMENTS: An
ecological synthesis; Chapter 2, Oceanographic Connectivity. W. Kruczynski and P. Fletcher, Eds. ISBN
978-0-9822305-3-4 (2012).
Ivan Peréz-Santos
y W. Schneider (2012), Book: “Oceanografía de la Cuenca de Yucatán, Mar Caribe:
Implicaciones dinámicas, observaciones y modelos numéricos”, Capítulo 4:
Respuesta de la clorofila-a durante el paso de eventos meteorológicos de escala
sinóptica”. Arnoldo Valle-Levinson, Marcus Sobarzo, Inia Soto, José
Garcés-Vargas, Raúl Montoya-Sánchez, Nelson
Melo y Frank Müller-Karger. Editorial Académia Española,
ISBN: 978-3-8454-9263-6, 148 pp.
Cannizzaro, J.
P., C. Hu, K. L. Carder, C. R. Kelble, N.
Melo, E. M. Johns, G. A. Vargo, and C. A. Heil (2013). On the
accuracy of SeaWiFS ocean color data products on the
west Florida shelf. On the accuracy
of SeaWiFS ocean color products on the west Florida
shelf. In Press. J.
Fiechter, J., B. K. Haus, N. Melo, and
C. N. K. Mooers (2008). Physical
processes impacting passive particle dispersal in the Upper Florida Keys. Continental
Shelf Research 28, 1261– 1272.
Lee, T. N., N. Melo, E. Johns, C.
Kelble, R. H. Smith, and P. Ortner (2008). On Water
Renewal and Salinity Variability in the Northeast Subregion of Florida Bay. Bulletin of
Marine Science 82(1), 83–105.
Lee, T. N., E. Johns, N. Melo, R. H.
Smith, P. B. Ortner, and D. Smith (2006). On Florida Bay hypersalinity and water exchange. Bulletin of Marine Science 79(2), 301-327.
Melo N., F. Müller-Karger, S. Cerdeira, R. Pérez de los
Reyes, I. Victoria del Río, P. Cárdenas Pérez, and I. Mitrani Arenal
(2000). Near-Surface Phytoplankton Distribution in the Western
Intra-Americas Seas: The Influence of El Niño and Weather Events”. Journal of Geophysical Research 105 (C6), 14,029-14,043.
N “Oceanography” chapter in the: “Derrotero de las Costas de Cuba” book (ICH). (85
- 86).
N., T. N. Lee, N. Smith, E. M. Johns, R.
H. Smith, P. B. Ortner, and D. Smith. (2008). “Understanding Florida Bay Hypersalinity
and Water Exchange”, Abstract
published in the Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Planning, Policy and
Science Conference. Jul 28-Aug 01 2008 Naples, Fl.
N., T. Lee, N. Smith, E. Johns, R.
Smith, P. Ortner, D. Smith. (2005) “Recent Measurements of Salinity, Flow and Sea
Level Variability in the Western Basin of Florida Bay –
Rabbit and Twin Key Basins” Abstract published in the Florida Bay and Adjacent
Marine Systems Science Conference. Dec 11-14 2005 Duck
Key, Fl.
D., N. Melo, R. H. Smith, and W. D. Wilson (2003). Florida Bay Shallow Water Surface Drifter. Paper
published in CD-ROM by: X-CD Technologies.
Office of Conferences and Institutes (OCI), University of Florida / IFAS, PO
Box 110750, Building 639, Mowry Road, Gainesville, FL 32611-0750, PHONE:
352-392-5930 / FAX: 352-392-9734.
N., T.
N. Lee, E. J. Williams, D. Smith, M. Framinan,
R. H. Smith, and E. Johns (2003). A Movie of Florida Bay Sea Level Response to
Local Wind Forcing. Movie published in CD-ROM by: X-CD Technologies. Office of Conferences and Institutes (OCI),
University of Florida / IFAS, PO Box 110750, Building 639, Mowry Road,
Gainesville, FL 32611-0750, PHONE: 352-392-5930 / FAX: 352-392-9734.
Apr. 2024